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Campus Tour

Wingate Elementary School is a holistic learning environment built to meet the unique needs of our Navajo youth. We develop Bearcubs into the future leaders, creators, and problem solvers of our Navajo community. To see our campus and facilities, take a tour with this enlightening video presentation. Students are always prepared for the next phase of their educational journey.



  • Celebrating International Children's Day

    Father playing with young daughter on the floor while mom and other daughter are reading a book on the couch.

    International Children's Day began in the early 20th century to promote children’s rights and welfare.

  • Kindergarten Preparedness: A Guide for Parents and Guardians

    A young boy stacking large red blocks in a kindergarten classroom.

    According to the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center, Kindergarten readiness is less about age and more about the skills, behaviors and concepts children…

  • Celebrating Diversity at Wingate

    Celebrating Diversity at Wingate

    In our global society, it is important to understand the diverse array of cultures that make up the world. The Bureau of Indian Education is diverse, with schools…

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